Ras Malai sweet video



To make paneer milk - 1 litre
For thickening milk - 3/4 litre
Sugar - 1 1/2 cup
Water for sugar - 2 cup
Saffron - pinch ( for colouring & flavoring ) 
Cardamom - 1/4 tsp
Sliced cashews & pistachios
lemon - 1


1.Boil 1 liter of milk in a pan , ( to make paneer ) once it boilS add 1/4 cup of water for cooling it down ( to get soft paneer ). You can add saffron when the milk is boiling to get nice colour, & aroma . Now add  lemon juice slowly,  stir it, when it seems curdled stop adding lemon juice further. Now paneer has been formed, drain the water completely from paneer using a clean cloth.
2.Again wash the paneer with fresh water to remove sour lemon taste from it. drain the water. ( SEE VIDEO ) Knead paneer for 10 minutes to get soft rasmalai.
3.Meanwhile in another pan , boil 3/4 liter of milk till it is reduced/ thickened to 75% of its original volume ( It took 30 minutes for me in low flame ) add cardamom, saffron, & sugar with this milk. Set it aside.
4.Now from the paneer make small balls and flatten slightly in the center.Set it aside.
5.In a pan add sugar ( 1 1/2 cup ) with water ( 2 cup) , allow it to boil. Now add paneer balls gently into the sugar water. Cook it 20 minutes on HIGH FLAME. Don't let the sugar syrup to get thick consistency. To avoid that you can sprinkle water over it at regular intervals.
6.The volume of paneer will increase at the time of boiling. so use big pan for cooking paneer.
7.Once it cooked you can add paneer balls in thickened milk. Garnish it wth nuts. RAS MALAI IS READY TO SERVE. THANK YOU. 
